Contact us for all your Somerville real estate needs

Call or text - (732) 200-2280 - We can help you with your real estate problems

Call or text (732) 200-2280 - Fast Cash for Somerville houses

Shaking hands - happy people

Contact us at (732) 200-2280 - Get multiple cash offers for your Somerville houses

Chili Pepper Homes is a real estate investment company specializing in buying distressed houses in Somerville and repairing and remodelling them into the type of home that today's home buyers are looking for.

We are here to help solve your real estate problems

We help homeowners get out of difficult real estate situations and we help the other homeowners of Somerville by helping to raise property values in the neighborhood. If you are in a hurry to sell your house, we have a solution for you!

Call or text us at (732) 200-2280 or feel free to contact us with any questions you have using the form below:

We respect your privacy. All data submitted on this form will remain strictly private and you will not be spammed. We will contact you quickly regarding this form submittal and look forward to helping you with your Somerville real estate needs now and in the future.